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Telegraph 30713

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sandyRoe | 20:40 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

15d Deplore including trendy European feature(9)

10a Repay an archdeacon, say, on the way back(6)

17d Lady developed houses(3)



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17 own is EVE (lurker).  I'm struggling with the other 2 as well.

15 L-in-E-ament

10 Avenge

L (in E) ament

^^^ an archdeacon = A VEN + GE = eg, say back

15D is a bit weird, but OK.  Where does 'avenge'come from, please?

15 Don't think it's weird, jourdain

Deplore = LAMENT including IN (trendy) + E(uropean)

Probably me, Captain, been a tough day..

Sorry to hear that, jourdain; hope you can relax and enjoy your evening.

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Telegraph 30713

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