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Everyman 4064

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VivianD | 14:57 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

12d Clear at the outset, Everyman's on rugby pitch, unwell and too old (4-3-4)

13d Bob Marley song I shot the Sheriff's intro,live, remastered (2,4,4)

24aGreatest part of capitals etc, with carbon reduction (10)



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24 Major(c)ities

🎵Is this Love....

 Anagram  of I SHOT S(heriff) LIVE

overt he h  ill

..... I think

12d Over-the-hill - 'overt' (clear) + 'E(veryman; outset, in) 'H H' (represent rugby posts) + 'ill'

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Thanks - I thought of over the hill but couldn't see what it had to do with a rugby pitch! My ignorance.

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Everyman 4064

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