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Spectator N0 2670 By Doc

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Matakari | 13:15 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
22 Answers

Good afternoon, a pretty mild offering from Doc this week except for three of the unclueds and one clue! Help for the latter should help me to unravel the rest of the unclueds more quickly. Thanks in advance!

35            6 seen from south an ordinary one (4) : ??NA   ( ETNA )

PREAMBLE:The unclued lights (one of three words and two of two words), individually and one pair, can be verified in conjunction with the same headword in Brewer.



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6d = island

Therefore IONA = an O(rdinary) I reversed

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Many thanks, jj109! I do not have Brewer, but I think the headword must be Five. Three Unclueds baffle me still and I seek confirmation for same, thanks.
1d     PO?N?S?F

28d   ?A?N?NS

39a   ?O?NS

1d could it be Points Of? I've no idea of any other unclueds and how they relate

Cannons fits?

Points of "Calvinism" is the pair"

I have Nations as in 5 Nations (before it became the 6 Nations!)

But I don't have a Brewers so can't check

I am guessing 5 Moons of Pluto, butoneagain I am guessing because I don't have a Brewers

Makes sense. So the first N is wrong in 28d?

I believe so newmodarmy. I think 36a from where Matakari gets the N is "aerie", alternate letters of "hare-brained"

39a.. Towns 

In Brewers ....... The Five Towns. Towns in the Potteries in which Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) laid the scene of many of his novels and stories. They are Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Stoke-uponTrent, Longton.

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Many thanks, jj109, teacher1 and newmodarmy, these look good but without Brewer, one can never be sure. For example, I have the following:
13d: Five rules of MIME ACT 
22d: Five MEMBERS ( Of Parliament )
34a: Five BOROUGHS ( Of New York...)


The 5 mile act

Mile Act

Sorry, teacher. I didn't scroll down.

No probs. ;o)

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Grateful, teacher1 !

there are 5 boons

as well as 5 towns (which comes too late for me but looks more promising)

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We may be in a quandary here, quinol. Is it 5 TOWNS or 5 BOONS? Only those with Brewer would be able to tell us which of the two is quoted.

Matakari, I don't have my Brewer's to hand- but haven't you been given, several times, an online link to it? I remember you feeling 'disadvantaged' before....

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Yes, NACW, I know that in the past I've felt lost without Brewer's, but I do not recall having been provided with a link. That's something I would certainly have kept quite safely. Can anyone send it to me? I would surely treasure it, thanks in advance!

Matakari, the link is on the Spectator 2622 thread (the Search box will get you there in seconds), it's on Missel's post. 

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