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Speccie 2670

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professorplum13 | 16:55 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

31a   Anti-nuclear treaty prompts no action from Lord’s, say (4,3)    test ban?

25d  Small sand eel, it seems, or other marine animal (8)

L???E?ES lookslike an anagram of s sand eels?



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31 Yes, Test (Lord's cricket) and Ban, no action, an action saying 'no'....

Lancelet- Lance and Lancelet are both in Chambers, I can't remember the details!

Sorry, Launcelet . I remember having to check several bits in Chambers.

PP, you will be wishing you had never asked! Having checked, it is definitely Lancelet.

Question Author

Thank you for those answers

Thanks, PP, glad I could help (cackhandedly!)

annoyingly having solved all the clued clues and got all but one of the linked words to the headerword in Brewer and without my Brewers where i am now i am stumped on the smallest unclued light at 27A. I have A?L?

does it relate to a type of truck?


It's to do with pub signs

DO you think my letters are correct?




And it's plural.

The Five Alls is a common pub name

I have to cavil slightly at the necessity, yet again of having to own a specific reference in order to confirm the answers. 

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Speccie 2670

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