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maureen | 10:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Hi all  19A  It flows into the caspian sea providing the old city wih aluminium. A?s??.  15A Emily considered leek and tomato starters a great success E?L??. 1D Swelling blister under pressure to begin with. B?M? TIA



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15 eclat


Bump if theres something missing from your clue

is it blister under MORE pressure or something like that?

I wondered about Al Ure if your S is wrong.

19 Ural? - ur + al

have you put the wrong crossers?

Yes, sorry has to be UrAl and the wrong pattern and count must have been given

What was the exact clue for  1d please? And does URAL fit for 19a

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