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Sunday Express Skeleton 1St September

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Frustrate | 06:50 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

In trouble again. Help please on

1d Dubious note received by a painter 11 letters ????????b?e

7d Joint care and spot treatment, that's for a physician 11 letters ????o?????s

10a Striking peer given thanks 7 letters ??????e

11a Returning sweet Icelandic books made sense 7 letters a??????

23a Ruin too disordered to clear up 7 letters??????

19d Man United return Chelsea's openers 5 letters ????h

Hope you can help please. Frustrate 



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1d...May involve constable

23a iron out ?

7d Hippocrates

10a Notable

11 Added  Up, made sense

19 Enoch, man. Eno is one, united (reversed, return) and CHh, first two letters of Chelse.

1 Contestable - Constable, painter, with Te, musical note, inside.

Question Author

Many thanks for all your help, and for the helpful explanations to the answers. Hope I can finish it now. Frustrate 

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Sunday Express Skeleton 1St September

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