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Agriword 1276

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Trayc5 | 17:24 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

23a&19d.They protend trouble to come in turbulent slums, Doctor(5,6)

S-O-M, -L-U-S?

20a, How substantial will you find my egg and Turkish yogurt starters?(5) M-A-Y?

Any help would be great with the above.



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23a/19d Storm clouds - anag 'slums doctor'20a Meaty - 'm(y) e(gg) a(nd) T(urkish) y(oghurt)' (starters)
17:26 Fri 30th Aug 2024

23a/19d Storm clouds - anag 'slums doctor'
20a Meaty - 'm(y) e(gg) a(nd) T(urkish) y(oghurt)' (starters)

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Thank you for your help Lie-in King.

You're welcome 😊

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Agriword 1276

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