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jm01 | 16:12 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Good afternoon to all at the there anyone that could answer this quiz please.
what do you get if you deduct Bakers bun from Torquay in Devon? Is it Christmas cake,up to tricks,rise and shine,pick and mix or Winnie the Pooh. Thankyou in advance for your help



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"Baker's bun" = 61
"Torquay in Devon" = 87

So 87 - 61 = 26 - "Pick & mix"

Brilliant L-i K, so easy when you see the answer!

Question Author

You are so clever. Thank you so much Lie-in king I would never have got that . Thanks again


Glad I could help, jm01 😊

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