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Ireland's Own 1839

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Trayc5 | 16:32 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

27a, chemical in the body that helps rejunenate skin growth and make it look younger(8) --L--L -N?

I had this filled in but its 22d Impel out +Hilter for leader of Nazi political party in Germany during World War 2



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I had collagen in but that knocks out Impel +Hitler .Thanks Toorak

Is it the 'L' from Impel or Hitler that stops 'collagen' fitting?

Which  clue gave 'impel'?

Question Author

25d, Persuade to take action on moral or political grounds Impel I put in for that one as answer.Yet 27a, is collagen .So its now I-L -L?

Thanks Captain! Is the I definitely correct? 

Question Author

Hi elliemay got Impel as answer due to me entering Briefing as answer to 24 ,Act of giving out percise or exact information .? (8) I is from third letter, thats why I wrote Impel

Thanks for the explanation Tracy

What pattern have you for the Hitler answer?

Trayc, I'll see if I can get that Ireland's Own in the shop tomorrow and get back to you, okay?

I'm in the same boat collagen appears to be correct but so is Hitler. I'm baffled

27a is cephalin , ive been told this is correct

That solves it Scooke, thank you:

//Cephalin acts on the uppermost layer of skin, where it gets readily absorbed. It restores and strengthens the epidermis and helps carry out natural barrier related functions more efficiently. As a result, skin looks younger and rejuvenated.//

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Ireland's Own 1839

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