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Rte 33

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scooke | 16:39 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

18a a searching question for oceanographers to delve into  wouldnt you wonder(4,4,7)????,???s,???e???

5d see danger turn around turnabout?(9)?e???a???

17d the albatross that makes one cringe would be still on me to unhinge(9)???l?????




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18a What lies beneath (?)
5d Renegades - anag 'see danger' (?)
17d Millstone - anag 'still on me'

5d should that maybe be 'turnabouts'??

I thought so, elliemay, hence the '?'

I knew that's what you were thinking, L-i K!

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Rte 33

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