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Genius Crossword 254

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Matakari | 14:46 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
29 Answers

Good afternoon, a Genius that promises to be quite interesting as far as placing answers are concerned. Help with the following would be appreciated to see me through. Thanks in advance!

( PREAMBLE: Each entry begins with a different letter of the alphabet. Clues are arranged in an order which will indicate two three-letter words hidden in the grid. Solvers should submit these along with the grid entries.)

7 Ireland’s crisis about hosting a regressive brotherhood (11)
12 Deer trap: mostly hold off circling that (6)
16 Newspaper reports fellow accepting container with beers (10)
17 Bullock pushed into grotesque monied compound (8)
23 Some select fizz, after recalling fertility treatment (4)
24 Yard due to apprehend learner driver that’s crying (7)



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17 monoxide?

^ anagram of ox (a bullock??) and monied.  But monoxide isn't a compound as such- it's part of a compound

12 wapiti

25 zift....reversed in the clue

24 y ow l ing

Jo urn ales e

7  Camaraderie

16 Journalese

Solvers should submit these (2 three letter words) along with the grid entries.

NB There was nowhere on the submission where these two words could be added! I hope they don't disqualify me!!

Matakari, was that enough help to 'see you through'? I really enjoyed filling in the grid, and I was hoping you too would find it fun.  

Question Author

Thanks, all! I would like to have confirmation for the following before continuing, thanks.

3 Drink, say, being consumed after upset I avoided (6)  OPIATE

4 Question right-wing party ousting King? It’s only a joke (4)  JEST

8  Equipment, getting hot in central cooking area (7)  KITCHEN

10  Brexit stance provided by old woman in government (6)  EUNICE

13 Unnecessary to scuttle ship to make a point (6)  NEEDLE

25  Old English programme finally coming in colourised, having substantial viewers? ( 7 )  RETICLE


Thanks, Matakari. 8 and 13 are correct, the others are wrong.Remember that each letter of the alphabet is used once- so you can't have two Js! 

3.the drink clues starts with E

4. ...starts with Q

8 yes

10 starts with R  and contains ma(old woman)

13 yes

25 starts with D and has in it O(old) E(english) E from end of programmE

Question Author

A great help, roslyn! This should get me through. Many thanks!

Glad we could help, Matakari. I found it useful to tick off the letters of the alphabet after solving a clue - this made the remaining clues a little easier. When it comes to filling the grid, I found using the two 11-letter answers a great help...

Was 17 monoxide ?

NMA, yes.

Question Author

Good morning and thanks for the help! I’m still four answers short for which I would welcome more help! Doing the correct entries promises to be fun.

6 Asked about investing in pound after international institution’s closure (8) 

18  In favour of girl accepting kiss, in so many words? (8)

21 Half of line later repeated in US opera house under a theatrical glow (7)

26  Error in Guardian leader initially an irritation (6 )

What letters do you have left?

Matakari, as you're only four letters short, there can be very little of the alphabet left! Your latest batch has answers beginning  I,P,L and G (in that order).

Question Author


Got my grid almost filled in an exciting juggling of words. But in spite of  hints for 3, 25 and 21, answers still elude me. Thanks in advance for answers with parsing!

3 Drink, say, being consumed after upset I avoided (6)  E?????

25  Old English programme finally coming in colourised, having substantial viewers? ( 7 ) 
            ( Starts with D, has OEE in it. )  D??????

21 Half of line later repeated in US opera house under a theatrical glow (7) : L??????

9 Take charge of match Forest finally lost (6)  
( Looked like FOSTER, but already have an F )

Ps: I’m missing the starting letters B and T.




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