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Ev 1654

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professorplum13 | 08:02 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

Number of letters unknown...

Base of natural logarithm divided between central part ( could be 3 or 6 or 8 letters)

Hooligan in thieves kitchen  ?ED     assume ted?

Silks dressing one in social conventions (5 or 6 letters)

Help please with filling in the unclued....i can guess some, but don't know why they would be what i've guessed...



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base one possibly plinth for base...LN inside PITH ??

Silks... Moires, Mores. social conventions, with I, one inside?


PS I haven't done this puzzle.

Question Author

Thanks , i had pencilled in moires, didn't know a more was a socila convention...

The hooligan clue finishes 'thieves' kitchen changing sides' - so Ned, from Den, thieves' kitchen, reversed? 

Question Author


first one has an E in the middle

didn't see your plinth- that looks like it  (so Ln not e in the middle)

Everything you need is in the text above the clues (the beginnings...).

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Ev 1654

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