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Irish Mail On Sunday 1398

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JohnC1 | 16:40 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

5d. Moving felled trees by water.(3,7) l?g  ???ling

8d. Exert an influence, put into operation.(3,2)??l  ??

1a&29a. Male animals. (5,5) b?l?y  g?a?s



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billy goats

5 log rolling 

Set up?

8 say go?

Where was the l from in 8d?

get on? 

set on

8d. Act On ?

hit on?

8d Did you get a conclusive answer yet, John?

Question Author

It looks as if act on is the answer 

Thank you John

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Irish Mail On Sunday 1398

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