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Mos 1398

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Bernie | 11:08 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Finding this extremely difficult today. A few to get started!

3d. Jabbered incessantly in Scotland, yet rated odd(8)??t?????

12a A tram driver(8]

7d A pathological desire to be working (9)

18a. Norwegian or Farcese legislature(8)

Many thanks 



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18 Lagthing
12:09 Sun 04th Aug 2024

3 Yattered - anagram

18 Storting?

12a Motorman (?)

12 motorman


the driver of a train or tram.

7d Ergomania (?)

7d ergomania?

Question Author

Many thanks to you all .

I'm nearly there.

For 20a Political party(6,4) I had Fianna Fail

.If that is correct Storting ( which looks right) won't fit in. 

23a. Heavy, solemnly dull(_6) I had Stodgy which knocks out Storting again.

13d. Fixed wooden church pew(5-5)?h?i?- stall?


13 choir stall

Think we should be looking for an alternative to 'storting'.

What letters do you have placed now, Bernie for 18a?

23 stolid?

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The only one giving me trouble is 18d Storting.

The letters I have at present are ?a?t?ing

20a.Fianna Fail seems right

27a Americano 

Thanks for all the help. 


18 Lagthing

Sorry to mislead you with 'storting', Bernie. Glad you/we got there in the end. 😊

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Really appreciate your perseverance.Have a good day.

Many thanks 

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