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Spectator N0 2665

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Matakari | 09:50 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

Good morning, I’ve got the quotation and the author, but am stuck on a few clues for which I would appreciate help to continue. Thanks in advance!

13a    Queen hugs almost dehydrated girl (8) : ??R?E?NE

14a    Veep cycling in stubble field (6) : ????S?

20a    Politician seized by firm idiot’s grasp (7) : ??M?A??

6d    Jig around primitive old cloth (7) : ????NC?

17d    Hip story I concocted about large deity (4,6) : ??L?S?I???




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13   Adrienne?

20   Compass

17   Holy spirit

6   Durance?

14a ARRISH ...Harris (vice president) cycled

Question Author

Many thanks, Cashier and Roslyn, I got 6 and 13, but was not certain about the parsing. I would appreciate confirmation for the following with thanks:

32a    Monk finally burning book – what’s in sermon? (7): ??O??E?   (KHOTBEH)
33d    Bard’s season to hurry over writing (5)  : ?IEMS   (HIEMS)
37d    Loudly call poet’s enemies (4): ?ON?     (HONK)

I thought that the six words to complete the perimeter were part of the quotation, but I can’t see any connection. Hints would be welcome, thanks.

Hi, Matakari. Your 32 and 33 are correct, your 37 is way off track!For it, think of it as a homophone, sounds like clue (loudly being the indicator). It's the phonetic version of an everyday word meaning 'ring'. Your Chambers will confirm that. I expect Chambers will have most or all of the thematic, perimeter entries. There's a gigantic hint on an earlier thread, if you need or want that.

Not part of the quotation but a clever illustration of it - things circling around the perimeter.

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW, I'll get back to 37. I've got the key to the perimeter entries and should soon be done.

Thanks, Matakari. I think you'll enjoy the satisfaction of tracking down (hunting down?) the thematic entries.


PS The new CC puzzle was quite good, and distinctly Matakari-friendly.

Question Author

Yes, you're right, NACW, hunting down the perimeter answers was quite enjoyable, indeed! My last clue, 37d, ( 37d    Loudly call poet’s enemies (4) is now:
?ONE ( TONE ).
Thanks for the info re the CCpuzzle! I'll have a look.



Matakari, I can't believe you'd rather ask for more help (with a sounds like clue and a big hint!)  with only one letter to get than look up Chambers!

Question Author

Sorry about that, NACW, you literally gave the answer to 37d backed up by Chambers, but I guess the heat got to me...Thanks again!

Thanks, Matakari - these valuable lessons seem to fall on stony ground at times (sorry!). Good luck with the CC puzzle - and because of the instructions, you'll probably get on better if you tackle the Across clues first.

My favourite circulatory 'light' (and an illumination for me at least) was the first one. It put me in mind of the wonderful Garrison Keillor

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Spectator N0 2665

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