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Evian | 21:43 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

help please with 18 down Period news piece snubbed social worker 7 letters. I have t ---i-l many thanks in advance



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Are you sure of those letters, Evian?

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I'm not 100% sure ' I responded earlier with details if the other clues - but that message hasn't appeared 

can you try doing that again, Evian

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Tried sending details again but they haven't appeared   maybe the message is too long - thanks anyway,  for trying to help Elliemay

Times p an(t)

- I think!

That's 8 letters

^^^ Good point, EM1!

- which is really annoying, as it seems to fit rather well otherwise!

(Oh well, I was never any good at cryptics anyway!)

Termite (social worker) - 'term' (period) + 'ite(m)' (news piece, snubbed)

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Thank you Lie in King

You're welcome, Evian 🙂

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