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Rhs Garden Magazine Crossword

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mrslarge | 20:31 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

9 across. Puff slightly although eating very loudly (7) w?????e

12 across European earths cold mashed potato, for example (5) d?n??

any help gratefully received




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9a Whiffle

12a Dance

9 whiffle

dance DANE +C... mashed potato is a dance

although = WHILE eating/taking in FF = very loudly

Europen = DANE = C(old)

Mashed POTATO is/was a dance

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Thank you for your help. 
any ideas of this:

19 across somehow ran Liberal opinion piece (5)



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Thank you. That has helped a lot. 

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Rhs Garden Magazine Crossword

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