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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword Herculis 13,054 Monday July 15Th 2024

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Tinocci | 14:24 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

I have linked up the solutions Box Kite, Pinch Pennies, and Merchant Bank but am not happy with Good Orange.  Can anyone help, please.  MTIA



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Good to see you posting, Tinocci 😊
14:37 Tue 16th Jul 2024
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Just realised I have copied it down wrong. It is blood orange. Sorry to have bothered you. 

Good to see you posting, Tinocci 😊

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Thank you Lie-in-King. Been under the weather - which is not surprising. Good to hear from you. 

It occurred to me a few days ago that I'd not seen you around.  I hope you're feeling better now, Tinocci 🙂

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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword Herculis 13,054 Monday July 15Th 2024

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