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The Times 28362

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TioMateo | 12:13 Tue 09th Aug 2022 | Crosswords
4 Answers
I have, I believe, all the answers, but I don't understand the wordplay/parsing in 3 of them :-

26Ac :- Weight on novelist demanding in the extreme (8) S???N?S?. Looks like STERNEST (very demanding). But if ST = weight, how does ERNEST = novelist? Surely Ernest can't be a synonym for Hemingway?

22Dn :- The stones make alarming sound, putting last couple off (5) S?R??. I can only think of SCREE (but "a sloping mass of loose weathered rock" is hardly The stones). I get that SCREAM is an alarming sound but, if you take off the last couple (AM), you're left with SCRE not SCREE.

8Dn :- Expose gamble by one forecasting fall of dictator? (3,4) L?Y ?A?E. It looks like LAY BARE (Expose), and gamble = LAY (?), but I don't get the rest.



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26a Sterne (author) st(one) 22d Scree(ch; last couple off) 8d Lay (gamble) bare ("bear"; forecasts a fall in the stock market; "of dictator"; heard)
12:17 Tue 09th Aug 2022
The novelist is STERNE

One forecasting fall is Bear (as in bear market in the Stock Exchange), so 'sounds like' as in dictator
Sterne is the novelist, st=stone.
26a Sterne (author) st(one)
22d Scree(ch; last couple off)
8d Lay (gamble) bare ("bear"; forecasts a fall in the stock market; "of dictator"; heard)
^^ Weight is ST for stone

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