Good day, Neveracrossword, many thanks for your offer of help with the clues that carry additional letters. For the most part, I’m at sea with this type of crossword and that’s why I avoid the Listener and the Inquisitor. I am pleased that with your assistance, I managed to complete the grid for RIDDLES. I found some additional letters quite easily with those clues that carry anagrams. Two examples:
1(A) Formal proclamation sadly ruins a component (14)
ruin(s)+a+component = PRONUNCIAMENTO
12(A) Area gurus adjusted for bard's diviners (8)
are(a)+gurus = AUGURERS
But two examples which, like many others, for which I do not see the additional letters:
13(D) Disconcert one in Nice born to ramble (7)
Un( French for one) né (born in French) rve =UNNERVE
44(A) Descendant to become weary about cloth of gold (6)
Son ( descendant) eri = SONERI
I will keep studying this aspect of the crosswords since it plays such an important role in many puzzles.
I suspect that the “further instruction” might relate to shading the first and last lines of the aria in the grid.
Thanks, Matakari. Glad you're making progress with rounding up letters. I'm sure we've had similar 'aspects' in Spectator and Crossword Centre puzzles, so I thought it'd be more familiar to you after all this time!