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Shevlen | 15:12 Wed 05th Mar 2014 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Avon's star seen from a rightangle. The answer logically is NOVA (Avon in reverse) BUT the letters are G..A The letter G comes from the word MILLIGRAM.........the picture clue being, a pepper mill, the letters EG and picture of a ram, hence MILLIGRAM. HELP please!


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Sailortom seems happy with the answer given here, no idea how it works mind you.
Can't say I am convinced with Gaia as an answer, though,not much else comes near with the letters given.Just have to wait til tomorrow Mamyalynne.

1a, is a picture clue,
A pepper mill with a 'P' on it
followed by E G
over a Rams Head
Book by Joe Vasicek "Desert Stars(Gaia Nova)" , a very tenuous connection.
Apologies Baldric, yes I agree with 'Milligram'. I worded my reply badly.
Yes, it will be interesting to find out.
It does seem more convincing that Gaia is possibly the correct answer though Danny.

I wasn't referencing your answer mamya, just adding the 'P' on the pepper mill in case it meant anything extra to someone.
Understood. :-)
Another thought, Paul Darrow played Kerr Nova in "Blake's Seven".Really grasping at straws here.
I'm pretty sure it's an error. Nova is the obvious answer. The clues for this puzzle are usually very straightforward. Unfortunately they don't show the answers in grid form, so we may see Milligram and Nova as the answers tomorrow!
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Well the answer that foxed us all was GAGA......…..any ideas why. Is Lady Gaga an Avon Cosmetics girl? That's only reason I can come up with.
As I said before, this is obviously an error. They must have printed the wrong clue. There is no way you can get GAGA from the one given.
Bosa Niova made famous by Lady Gaga could be the answer
Boss Nova by Lady Gaga could fit the clues given

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