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Crossword/quiz Answers Etiquette

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Grimaldi | 22:03 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Crosswords
17 Answers
Can someone please give me some guidance on ground rules?
Some people seem to regard it as a race - bad form, surely?
Are there 'standard" websites for speedy help, and is it OK to say where you found the answer?
Is there a minimum standard for Best Answer?
Does anyone get slated for not thanking contributors? Is it OK not to acknowledge such thanks?
Anything I've missed?


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Avatar Image Welcome to answerbank. The above link will help you both with asking and answering crossword/quiz questions.
22:09 Tue 11th Jun 2013
Welcome to answerbank Grimaldi,hope you enjoy it,although it does sometimes become very addictive and time consuming,if you read the etiquette as stated by the Editor on Site Rules you won't go far wrong
Not sure what you mean by thinking it is a race is bad form in crosswords - if you know the answer it is naturally competitive to want to be first rather than sit on your hands.

Thanks are nice but not compulsory as is acknowledging the same.

Quizzes are a whole different issue and some that have appeared on here asking today only kaded on my doormat within the last 2 days.....but that is a topic I will leave alone for now.
Correction ** for kaded read 'landed' sorry

Welcome to answerbank. The above link will help you both with asking and answering crossword/quiz questions.

Indeed that was rude of me - Welcome to the site and enjoy your time here .
Do you mean this site?

Yes, I try and be first to answer (I've seen a few questions where lots of people answer a thread and the latecomers get the thanks and not the first few - I've also seen people add the correct answer days after the original question was asked)

Best answer: Depends on the question. You could award it to the first person who answers, or, someone could give a really detailled answer and lots of advice/help.

There are a few who ask and never give thanks - yes they do get slated.

Is it OK not to acknowledge answers? - what do you think?
"Are there 'standard" websites for speedy help, and is it OK to say where you found the answer? "

What do you mean by this G?
Question Author
Thanks, guys (and Ma'am).
ubasses' link proved most helpful.
Glad to help.
Question Author
Shoota, I'm sure in my pre-membership readings I came across the occasional link showing e.g. Anagram Solver, and Ihave used Crossword Solver to fill in blanks.
I thought maybe it would serve as a pointer to the question poser if this info was given.

If a crossword throws up an unusual word....example today -


I sometimes add a dictionary link.
Question Author
Yes, Mamyalyne, I saw that and was quietly impressed(that's the kind of thing I thought would merit Best Answer.
Ah I see, I think that most are solved by brainpower or because the responder has already done the crossword but there are a few 'aides' to which I have recourse in extremis:
Welcome to AnswerBank Grimaldi! It's addictive, educational and a fun site.

No special etiquette needed to be a member on here. Applying a bit of common sense and good manners would take one a long way in life, and on here. :)
Question Author
Thanks, shoota. I have 2of those bookmarked.
I prefer to try brainpower first, and resort to help sites when brain ache sets in. That's why I thought it might be bad form to treat it as a race.
What I hadn't realised - or thought through - was that other members could already done the crossword and can answer swiftly.
Welcome to AB, Grimaldi. Another site you may find useful :
Question Author
Thanks to everyone who has responded, or may yet do so.
I'm off home, having been babysitting, and will likely be off site till tomorrow.

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