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Crossword Centre

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hankir | 13:12 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | Crosswords
4 Answers
I have not seen questions on Crossword Centre puzzles.
Is there a convention of not asking for help on their puzzles?

I have solved this month's puzzle (Longbow by Chalicea) and now have to figure out the answer to the question in the instruction.
I was looking for a hint.

Comments appreciated.



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Thanks Mysterons.

Since the extra letters give the name of a US politician,
I had figured out that it is about the country to which longbows were given.

Your article confirms my guess. I am still struggling to find related 19 letters but there is time.
Said politician was paraphrasing earlier fellow countrymen on the topic of the moral universe - the countries concerned aren't directly relevant to the puzzle:
Finally completed Thanks for the references Mysterons.

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