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Rondy | 16:29 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Jokes
1 Answers

I was driving down the road this morning when I suddenly disappeared into a portion of sour cream and chive.
I didn't see the dip in the road.


I've just got back from the doctors.
He said I've got to have an earring made.
What a strange thing to say.


I just got a job at the magazine: 'U-Boat Monthly'.
I'm the new sub editor.


I often get a "Yes!" when women catch sight of me.
But it's usually followed by, "That's him, officer."


More Great news from Paris.
Congratulations to Ron Seal for getting the Gold Medal in the Fencing.


Saw my doctor today, he said "What's the problem?"
I said "I keep feeling like I'm an ocean"
He said, "Can you be more pacific?"


More good news from the Paris Olympics.
I've got into the Final group of six contestants in the Side ways Glancing competition....
I'm Not Looking Forward To it.


I went for meal with a load of electricians last night.
None of them wanted starters they just went straight for the mains.


My Grandfather told us he invented the Ventriloquist Doll.
When I say 'invented' he had a hand in it.




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