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Doctor What?

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Theblip | 07:36 Mon 04th Jan 2021 | Film, Media & TV
72 Answers
Mercifully, Jodie Whittaker is stepping down as Doctor Who. Phew! To succeed her would you prefer a man, a woman, or a transgender or other form of gender?


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A woman ought not have got the role because the role was a male character and always was. It was PC nonsense that changed the sex of "the master" first, allowing the same to occur to "the doctor" at a later point. It's utter gibberish; once a character in a story has been defined it's wrong to go messing about with it for antisocial reasons. I'm sure Jodie did the...
11:37 Mon 04th Jan 2021
The problem with the Whittaker episodes wasn't with her, it was with the writers.
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but all PC BBC nonsense, as will probably dictate her replacement
It's not BBC nonsense. Why shouldn't a woman get the role? If it works, good, if it doesn't then they can have a rethink.
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and now they’re having that rethink
Or just get a better person- does'nt matter whether man or women does it. Or do's it after be a man for you.
But like TheChair said, much of it comes down to the writers. A crap script would make either gender look rubbish in the role.
I would prefer a new scriptwriter
Jodie Whittaker was/is fine as the doctor and a breath of fresh air too. The scripts ... different and that is probably the problem. I seem to remember that people get attached to a particular Dr and then don't like the next one because of their fondness for the previous one. I watched Dr Who from the first episode but stopped after Tom Baker for years because I didn't like the next one.
Never been my thing.
I'm of the same opinion as others here, that I would much rather Jodie stayed and Chris Chibnell went. It doesn't matter who plays the character, if the scripts are awful, so will the show be.

I've long been an advocate of Chiwetel Ejiofor as The Doctor, but with the recent events with BLM and so on, the accusing cries of SJW and wokism would be overpowering if a black Doctor is cast.
I stopped watching after Tom Baker too but enjoyed the short stints by Paul McCann and Chris Eccleston. Haven't been interested since then.
Fit lass though. :-)
the problem was not with Jodie Whittaker, it was with the poor scripts - i stopped watching after a while -
Dr Who is a geezer, end of.
where does it say that - its a tv programme not a bible
Dr Who is a Gallifreyan with 2 hearts who can regenerate into any form it chooses at the end of a 'useful life'. End of.
Rishi Signal

Oh no, sorry, he's the next James Bond.
Rishi Sunak
I preferred the older Doctors and I resent the suggestion (implied by the choice of the more recent actors) that it's only young people who can have adventures.

Had we not lost Geoffrey Palmer recently, I feel that he would have been superb in the role ;-)

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