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Tonyav And Sunnydave.

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cupid04 | 00:55 Mon 27th May 2013 | Jokes
15 Answers
Tonyav and SunnyDave are at the urinals when one glances at the other
and notices his friend's willy is twisted like a corkscrew.
'wow!' tonyav gasps. 'I've never seen one all curly like a pig's tail before.'
'Really, what's yours like?'SunnyDave asks. 'It's straight', tonyav replies
giving it a good shake before putting it away. 'Why did you do that?' SunnyDave says I was just shaking off the excess tonyav explains.
'Oh really?' SunnyDave exclaims surprised. 'All these years I've been
wringing mine out!'


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Sometimes I can't tell if I'm coming or going ...
You will be for it Cupid - better start running now .............. ;)
now is the time to change your name or take up running.
Sunnydave : is it white or yellow ?
Just laughed my tail off !

Nessie ;)
Why is sperm white and pee yellow?
So an Irish man can see if he is coming or going.
Left hand or right hand thread? Adds a whole new dimension to screwing!

love it
I am a bit worried that this might be catching (me being in Brussels) ...
Yikes, cupid you are one brave lady x

i've got that corkscrew, from when i went there 20 years ago
Dave, that looks suspiciously like chocolate. If it is you can forget it. :-( x
Now that's an idea for an avatar for you SunnyD! :)
For goodness sake, Society! Don't encourage him! ;-) x
You little minx.

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Tonyav And Sunnydave.

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