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John Ashcroft

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archbishop | 18:32 Thu 11th Nov 2004 | News
3 Answers
More for our American friends. The announcement that Attorney General John Ashcroft is resigning has got to be good for the American people. You can probably put up with Dubya for four more years but this guy was a total nut.


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I find it sad that probably the only politician in Washington that actually believes in what he is doing has such crazy beliefs.

No, I can't put up with Dubya!  Now he thinks he's got a mandate and is acting all smug.  What a jerk!


Yes, it's good that Ashcroft resigned.  He'll most likely be replaced, though, with Alberto Gonzales, who cares just about as much about civil liberties.  This is a guy whose job used to be to make recommendations to Bush about whether to execute or not, when Bush was governor of Texas, and conveniently "forgot" to mention many important details - about incompetent lawyers, evidence of innocence (really!), the fact that one guy he recommended for execution was mentally retarded with the communication abilities of a 7 year old, and was brutally beaten as a child. 

It would seem a case of better the devil you know.  I can't understand why unelected officials can have so much influence.  One argument is that Bush has a much bigger pool of talent from which to select (than say Blair), but where is the accountabilty?

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