I hope there is no ceasefire and Israel exterminate all the vermin. All that'll happen is they'll rebuild gaza and do the same thing again in a few years. Muslims are stupid they never learn.
It's your apparent narcissism untitled because you state opinion as though it is fact. If that's your writing style and it's not narcissism then fair enough. But that's how it appears.
i had thought deskdiary that it was obvious that what i write is what i think... especially as most other people (including you) assert opinions in much the same way. it's not really necessary for me and only me to write "i think i think i think" in front of every sentence is it?
While it came at a great cost it keeps alive a flicker of hope. It demonstrates the Palestinians aren't cowed, still have a dream of living in a free Palestine, and are prepared to pay a terrible price for their struggle for freedom.