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Council Tax To Rocket.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:59 Tue 17th Dec 2024 | News
15 Answers pay for the layer of bureaucracy Rayner is about to add. The last thing we need is another layer of snouts in the trough.

What possible use are regional mayors and their accompanying public sector administrators?

Good ole Labour, the state apparatus grows. Voted Labour did you? Regretting it yet?



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My council is looking at reducing the amount of council tax benefit so the very poorest pay more

Back in the day Scotland had regional councils and district councils with distinct duties and services.

It worked about as well as you might expect as parallel gravy train tracks were laid.

You do wonder if politicians should be made to sit an exam to test their mental capabilities.

Nothing more corrupt, wasteful and incompetent than local councils. 

Obviously Labour dont consider Council tax payers "The working man".

Its ludicous, but then what do you expect from behind the bike sheds Rayner?

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11:41 yes it's a verb to us English speakers, look it up love you might educate yourself.

^Why do you have to express yourself in such an unpleasant manner? You love to talk down to people.

I know what "rocket" means in this context...but that link doesn't mention vast increases - it says "hikes", which simply means "rises"...and council taxes have been rising every year as long as I can remember.

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Make yourself clear love, sounded to me like you where sarcastically asking what the word meant.

^not only unpleasant, but patronising too.

As for "us English speakers"...I manage to use the English language without the need to use my own made-up version at every opportunity.

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Untwist the alans me old china. If you are happy to pay their hikes to add another layer of political aprils with their snout in the trough then great, you got what you voted for. Last thing we need are more politicians in my view.

And the next thing you need is punctuation. x

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gawd elp us Braveheart has flashed his plaster! PMSL!

Y'know, the fact it's go AB's far right spokesman crying so much is almost worth paying a bit extra for.

Broad strokes tonight again,Tora, vivid images abound.

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I'm not bothered mozz, I'm rich. It's the poor saps that have to work and live in the high interest rate high inflation economy that's just around the corner. Now they have to pay for another layer of brainless faceless plasters that have no actual perpose that anyone can seem to identify. Perhaps you'd like to have a go.

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Council Tax To Rocket.....

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