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Naked Statue Of Trump......

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ToraToraTora | 10:51 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
32 Answers

I assume there'll be no complaining when the naked statue of Harris is comleted.



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Did I say TTT categorises and abuses?

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15:07 dunno did you, do you have any evidence of your opinions of me?

Is he standing proudly erect 3T?🤨

how big is his woo-woo is the question we all are agog 

That's some very niche porn, right there.

A stormy lady reports it's the size of a button mushroom.

I hope there's a fig leaf on this one.

'the statue is "43ft tall, 10ft wide… weighs 6,000lbs, and is made of foam over rebar," adding that it intended to "ignite conversations".'

It appears to have a wee fuse anywsy...

I was asking about his posture Peter.What on earth are you talking about?

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15:07 Perseverer: "Did I say TTT categorises and abuses?"

at 14:45 you said: "TTT, re your first sentence at 11.01. How far right do you think Donald Trump is, and have you listened to any of his recent speeches?
Frankly it is just tiring the way you choose to abuse and categorise anyone with the temerity to disagree with you."

TTT, two points.

First, my 15.07 was clearly too subtle for you so I'll spell out to you that it was a reference to the post ymb had just made.

Second, I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before you provide the evidence you seem to want.

It also allows us to give thanks that the great man can afford clothes in the day-to-day.

and there  is not enouogh  money in the UK to  tempt him tostand  for office here

"Did I say TTT categorises and abuses?"

oh I am happy to say that - I ignore  a lorra time, and it  kinda keeps thelittle fellow  off the streets and out  of mischief

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16:32 I don't know what subtlty you are on about. You did actually say that I categorise and abuse did you not?

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Naked Statue Of Trump......

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