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How To Jump The Housing Queue

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gramps85 | 10:29 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

I am sure that those who have been waiting many years for house in London, will welcome, and agree, with this proposal.



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Sorry but hit the enter button twice.

No problem, gramps,  I've removed the duplicate.

The man is an idiot, a dangerous idiot

I am warming to the idea. All prisoners could be released earlier  on condition that they should move to London where they will be given immediate accomodation. Turn London into an official criminal enclave and surround it with tanks. Sorted. 


May well spread it around. While ex-cons are encouraged to go straight, previously law-abiding citizens may see a stay at his majesty's pleasure as a beneficial thing in the longer term.

Dear Marge   ...  "I have been on the social housing list now for 6 years and still have not moved up the list for prospective near accomodation. I don't know what to do next because I am at my wits end.

Dear wits end  ... my advice to you is to go and nick a few Mercedes motors and perhaps get yourself involved with a protest or two. You could even post a few non pc tweets or something. Be sure to get caught or you will be wasting your time. It should see you in a warm cell just in time for winter and on early release next spring you will be right at the top of the waiting list and in a position to enjoy your benefits during the summer months. You may even want to repeat the excersise to avoid the possibility of being ill during the winter and having no medical facilities available. You will of course be guaranteed these luxuries whilst in prison or you will be able to sue for damages.  

The election will be very close, the candidates are only a few points apart. Trump could well become President again.

What a strange place the United States has become.

This is about London UK gromit, not London Texas 😆

It's a ludicrous idea from Mayor Khant, but Londoners voted him him so they have to such it up now.

Love the Post Togo - BA IMHO !

Can we get rid of Starmer and Khant asap please

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