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Children Murder 80 Year Old

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webbo3 | 14:02 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | News
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it could be you or a loved one, the country is going down the pan, ethics morality seem to be lost on some of todays generation, 80yrs old an easy target for feral youth of today.
15:38 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

ut this time around it fits in with the recent rapid deterioration of society;

you know they were saying that 400BC - Socrates was tied on the charge of corrupting youth - coinciding with Alcibiades and his pals mutilating the herms - dirty boys !

discussion in the usual bad tempered AB fashion 2013!

All courtesy of you ooman rights liberal Justice system and right-on coppering.

Too much engagement on pronouns and other rubbish lumped together with parents happy to let their feral kids run wild.  This was bound to happen as the MeMeMe generation grew up more obsessed with their phones than life.

I forgot to add, I cannot express how much rage I feel at what these savages did that poor man.


Very sad and upsetting situation.

But why are you blaming the liberal left and the current goverment?

Why are you not blaming the parents that 'raised' these children and the grandparents that raised the parents?

//But why are you blaming the liberal left and the current goverment?//

If you are referring to me then Note I did NOT blame the current Government, read what is written not what you want to be written.  As for the liberal left I firm;y believe they are a big part of the problem.  No dicipline, no justice, no stop nand searches the list goes on.

//Why are you not blaming the parents//

Well I did and so have others.

I am not sure how you can blame grandparents, they have no say unless the parents allow it which many dont.

I was not referring to you but in general.

Of course the grandparents raised the parent who in turn raised these children.

What did the grandparents do to their children that in turn they chose to raise their children in this manner

4 of these 5 children have been cleared of any wrong doing from what I saw on news this morning.  These headlines often jump to a conclusion when the facts are not always clear.  Isn't this partly how the riots started recently.  

@9.49 Isn't this partly how riots started recently? It sure is, arrested don't mean charged. It just goes to show what social media sites will allow people to post in the name of click fall. A well managed site would not allow the above opening post.

The victim had recently reported verbal abuse from a group of young people.





Give it time. The French will probably tell us it's his own fault for reporting them.

4 of these 5 children have been cleared of any wrong doing

not quite - 4 were released without charge and the fifth charged

( released without charge is not cleared)

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Children Murder 80 Year Old

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