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Another Worthless Import

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youngmafbog | 13:06 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | News
20 Answers

Excellent response from the public to restrain him until the Rozzers pitched up though.

The poor little girl though, stabbed 11 times by this savage.  Bet he doesnt even get deported though, his 'ooman rights will see to that as he has a child in Manchester.




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I found this new story incredibly upsetting. Mainly because I was due to go to London with my daughter this week who was about the same age I expect we would have gone to the Lego shop.
It sadly reminds me of the 80s when my parents would let me going to London because of the risk of IRA bombs.

Why is he here in the first place?

But the guy who restrained him was an import too - there's good and bad everywhere.

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//But the guy who restrained him was an import too//

Was he, where is that then or did you see his name and just assume?

And if he is then good, we want more like him and get shot of those that hate us. 

Why should we import the Worlds scum, we have enough of our own?

“Why is he here in the first place?”

Quite probably because Romania joined the EU in 2007. Initially only “highly skilled” or “skilled” workers plus a limited quota of unskilled  migrants could come from that country to live and work in the UK. But by the end of 2013 that restriction had to be lifted and all Romanian citizens were entitled to settle here.

More than 20% of the population of Romania has upped sticks and left the country and there are over 400,000 of them in the UK. The reasons for this are quite clear: joining the EU was meant to bring prosperity to the former Eastern bloc nation. Instead, many people in Romania live in absolute poverty.

The mismanagement of the country since the fall of Communism has been profound. Money made available by the EU (much of it from UK taxpayers) has been either trousered by senior politicians or squandered; education and healthcare, has been left to rot. Many of their politicians over the years have been convicted of corruption. It is little wonder that many of the population has seen the only way to secure a decent future is by emigrating. This has only compounded the problems. In the Romanian healthcare system tens of thousands of Romanian health workers left to practise abroad, including over 4,000 in the NHS, leaving Romanians in severely understaffed and underfunded clinics.

So for those thinking that unfettered migration is the answer to the UK’s problems, not only is that patently nonsense, but they should also spare a thought for the countries like Romania, whose healthcare systems have been denuded of staff, lured to work for the NHS.

Unfortunately, such seemingly limitless migration also brings with it creatures like this one, who held an eleven year old girl in a headlock in a Central London square, and, in front of her mother, stabbed her eight times for what seems like no reason whatsoever. As youngmaf says, we have enough scum here as it is without importing any more.

NJ, Interesting chart on here;

Now one more to add to the Romanian score, which is second only to Poles.

Very well said Judge.

and then they wonder why there are anti-immigration protests...

//Why should we import the Worlds scum, we have enough of our own?//

Well said,

Take a look at your own people, then judge others 

1ozzy - do UK ex-pats go around stabbing children? I've not heard of any.

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You seem to suggest we should compare like with like - I'm just asking if Brits in foreign countries are perpetrating such crimes as foreigners commit here. Not hard is it...

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^^^^ you being one of them?

I think you'll find people who misbehaved were sent TOO your "wonderful country" me old china.

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Including you TTT, the most intelligent poster on AB, according to yourself 🤣

You've got a point there TTT, so many undesirables in your wonderful country, hmm, let's find a place to overrun with our detritus,

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