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Has The Young Man Photographed Carrying A Tray...

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sandyRoe | 13:49 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

...of baked goodies out of a shop had his collar felt yet?

How can the people who incited impressionable youngsters to commit acts that will ruin their lives live with themselves?



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16:24, steps are being taken to trace him.
17:47 Sat 10th Aug 2024

There is no indication online that he has been caught or gone to court.

But - the video is very clear and the police should have no problem identifying him.

Looking at some of the pictures of trashed shops was quite an eye-opener.  We have not had any riots in my part of the country.  Seeing the level of damage done is quite a shock.

No wonder I prefer cats.



Yes he has.

He is also on video leading a team of morons attacking the police with a ladder.

Going by some of the sentences dished out already, he can expect 178 years in prison.


16:24, steps are being taken to trace him.

no - he is waiting for the long arm of the law

Greggs - Food poisoning will get him before the law will 😂

My goodness, there may be a note on the desk of the editor by mid-morning on Monday detailing proposed action for defamation.

Cheers, Sandy.

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I see on another social media platform that he got two and a half years.  With good behaviour he will be out in 15 months.

I half remember a quote from a trial some years ago, "You don't break a butterfly on a wheel".  Unfortunately for the rioters the state does just that when it comes to displaying their authority.

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