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Slava Ukraini !

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Khandro | 14:59 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

Those Ukrainian rotters have gone and invaded another country!

That's not fair is it?



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Apparently it was down to the UK - as someone was heard speaking English.  According to the Ruskies.

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 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.'

And come back Ichkeria, all is forgiven.

(What happened to him btw?)

I would like to know too, khandro.  He's missed.

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'The raid and the public alarm in Russia it has generated may compel the Kremlin to shift forces from its current offensive in the Donbas region to defend its own territory.'

Atlantic Council

I think they were originally after the gas pipeline to reduce Putons income but the response they`ve decided to stay on and see how it develops.

Russia was supposed to win this war in days, but two and a half years later, and they are clearly losing it.   
Fast approaching a million Russians killed, the Black Sea fleet decimated, and now losing territory, how will the dictator explain that to his loyal citizens?  

The EU and Euopean countries have given Ukraine $Billions. Rather than a ploy to stop Russian gas to hit Putin's pocket, it is more a measure to keep the pipeline flowing. Putin can't threaten to plunge Europe into darkness in the winter if he no longer has control of the pumping station near the border.


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Gomit , // how will the dictator explain that to his loyal citizens?//


I think he has given up trying to explain the inexplicable & now simply locks up for many years anyone even faintly criticizing the madness he is doing.

At least Hitler shot himself.  

I find it mad that the lunatic invades a country and then seems incredulous that they have the temerity have a go back in his country.

It's as if he's saying it's not fair.

I doubt very much that Russia will allow its media to spread this very widely. If they can't disguise the incursion they will probably call it something like 'allowing an incursion under careful control so that the Ukrainian forces could be bottled in and slaughtered.  Makes as much sense as anything that comes out.

I do hope that Ichkeria is OK and returns, by the way.

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^^ It's already been reported that Putin has described it as a "terrorist attack" ! 

I have seen a report today of a Russian ballerina (very dangerous types ! ) who faces imprisonment & lord knows what  else that implies, for being critical of the war in Ukraine.

".... but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. "

Abraham Lincoln. 

Sorry, not been paying much attention. Is Ickeria AWOL ?

Gromit - he's not been heard of for some time.

That is not good news.
He [Ickeria] is very knowledgeable on Ukraine, but one of the very few AB contributors worth reading.    
Hope he is OK 🤞.

 There is a saying:, "Alls fair in love and war!". Putin started this by his invasion so he must deal with being on the receiving end himself. It has been a masterstroke by Ukraine and i hope they can hold onto the Russian land  to bargain with in any future negotiations.

It sems they control nearly 400 sq miles of Russia, next stop Moscow

Heard speaking English, eh ?  Well that rules out American involvement then.

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Slava Ukraini !

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