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Real Can't Beat It!

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ToraToraTora | 14:41 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | News
27 Answers

How long before Leicester Sq is full of bin bags and the Iceland trucks are full of bodies? I must admit they have surprised me, I thought it would take Labour longer than a few weeks to drag us back to pre TGL Britain!

homme malade d'Europe - here we come!



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What sort of lunatic agrees to a 22% pay rise? It was inevitable other unions would think "we fancy a bit of that", and thus those that suckle from the public teat will drive inflation, and those same people will whine about inflation but not be clever enough to realise they're the reason.


Old Red Robbo would be chuffed.

Agreed, DD.  It just encourages everyone else.  The intermittent electricity suppoly was bad enough - but now we are old... it's frightening (and the govt. seems to think that we are dispensable).

//homme malade d'Europe //

We've taken back control mate. We're just the homme malade of ourselves these days.

//homme malade d'Europe //
//homme malade d'Europe //

That phrase was about Ottoman Turkey. What has that got to do anything?




"That phrase was about Ottoman Turkey. What has that got to do anything?"

That phrase (the sick man of Europe) was indeed first used to describe the Ottoman Empire. But younger readers will recall it being used more recently to described the UK in the late 1960s and particularly during the second half of the 1970s.

It was perfecly appropriate, especilly in the late 1970s. Each day when you got up for work at that time you had no idea whether there would be any buses running, any trains running, any refuse collected, any power cuts, whether your grandad's funeral would go ahead, whether you would be able to get foreign currency for your trip to Benidorm, which industry would announce "industrial action" or any other announcements would be made which would mean going about your daily business would be even more tiresome.

Coincidentally a Labour government was in power throughout those two periods. Those who voted for Labour last month will soon see the fruits of their endeavours. They will get the change that they, apparently, so deperately wanted. Unfortunately so will the rest of us.

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15:15 bang on judge. The youngsters that voted labour can be forgiven as they would have no experience of real Labour and this coming 5 years of pain will educate them in that respect and they'll not do that again. It's those over 60 that disturb me, they know what real Labour do they experienced it so if they voted for them again they either liked what happened last time or they are deluding themselves that it won't be like that again. Thankfully they'll only be in for one term but they can still do a lot of damage in that time.

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from the way Gromit has latched on to "homme malade d'Europe " - I'd say he's one of the deluded souls who think Labour won't flush us down the kasi.

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