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Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act To Be Repealed

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naomi24 | 14:15 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
15 Answers

How can that possibly be in the public interest?  Chaos beckons.

Sorry I can't post a link.  Perhaps someone else will oblige.



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The unions will be rubbing their hands in glee

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Thanks perseverer.

In the first paragraph it says the 2023 Act was met with widespread condemnation from employers and trades unions. If that's the case, why is it against the public interest? And why will the trades unions be rubbing their hands with glee?

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Clarion, it's against public interest because it means the unions can do what they like - which means they can bring their particular sector to a standstill if they see fit.  

-- answer removed --

The winter of discontent is coming!

it's like the good old days 10cs!

Public sector workers, illegal immigrants and benefit claimants. The rest of us can go hang.

TTT posting clips from Blackadder is not appropriate in News.

Do not repeat it or any similar clips in News.

well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!



"The Good Old Days" as TTT calls them never affected me. I never took part in any industrial action, even though I was a branch secretary. I don't believe in strike action, never have. As soon as any workforce goes on strike, in my opinion, they've lost. It's a losing strategy and should be absolutely the last resort.

I didn't see that clip that was removed. Would have liked to have seen it. No sense of humour from some selfrighteous people.

Debate about the news item should be permitted to include humour. It's often useful to indicate a point. And can lighten the mood/atmosphere too if required.

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Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act To Be Repealed

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