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America Has A Near Miss

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douglas9401 | 11:27 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | News
10 Answers

Entitled dolt confesses to utter stupidity.



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well they do have the right to arm bears.

Well, he didn't hit it, and he didn't get a tag because he left it. But he missed out on the bear steak BBQ.

//well they do have the right to arm bears.//

Well if there are Bears wondering about I think I'd rather like that right!

The Americans have a different mindset to us, its a different country that is very varied and in many places still surprisingly wild. Perfectly illustrated by the statement "I was going to skin the bear - and it was in very good condition - and I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator,"  which I bet many Americans (outside the metropolitan elites) wouldnt even bat an eyelid at.


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More likely he was going to have someone skin and butcher the beast then have one of the staff put it in his fridge.

I have learned something new - I didn't think people ate bears.


People eat practically anything, wolf.  You can order bear meat on the internet.

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I've tried it, very gristly. 🤣

He wouldn't be the first Kennedy to lie about a car accident.

he doesn't seem to have lied about it, though (unless you think that this story is untrue and there was no woman?).

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