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Meghan Claims She Hasn't Scraped The Surface With Her Experiences With The Royal Family

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naomi24 | 11:10 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

Is another money-making plan about to be revealed?


Meanwhile, despite Harry considering the UK too dangerous for his wife to visit, a tour of Columbia - one of the most dangerous countries in the world - has been announced. 



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Columbia is a lot safer than it used to be.  I know someone who goes there regularly because her daughter lives there.  A lot of the drug stuff has been cleaned up (and moved to Mexico, it seems)

She and Harry appear to be something of a nine day wonder.  Those nine days are long past.  Time for them to move on.

She, perhaps, could go back to treading the boards, but what's to become of poor Harry?

Good afternoon,

There is no direct quote on the article just there reporter alleging that is what she has said.

I find it worrying that despite people saying they want nothing to do with her, that they jump on anything she says.

I would imagine that Columbia will provide armed security for the Prince and his wife.


Harry is clearly keen to get reacquainted with Charlie, one way or the other.

they become increasingly irrelevant by the day...

Surely they don't have to go to the wholesalers to get a bit of weed ?

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Good afternoon again,

Weird as there is no direct quote that could be attributed to DoS.

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Quote:  The Duchess of Sussex has claimed she has not “scraped the surface”....


I don't think that type of quote can be attributed to the DoS, but that is I am sure I will be told that I am incorrect.

you are incorrect

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Who's GA?


She's quoted in several publications.

good afternoon?

Question Author

 Thanks Dave.  That didn't occur to me.  😂

She does 'go on' doesn't she?

She and Harry are now irrelevant, as she wished them to be when she talked him into leaving the Royal Family. 

Now (perhaps a bit hard-up?) she has more 'revelations'!  O.K., there you go. No one is really interested - unless Wills is a multiple murderer every full moon? Do tell .............

The only thing I might like to hear about connected to her is IF she makes it up with her father.  She's got a damned cheek talking about other families.

//The couple are supporting a new initiative to help parents of children who have taken their lives after being bullied online.//

How are they going to do this? They have no experience to understand and no expertise.

MM said the only thing you want to do is protect your children and they do that by keeping their children hidden from the world. Not sure that's the way to deal with it.

Agreed, Barsel.  It's the equivalent of a woman I knew - much, much wanted and very late , last chance child .  She protected her little boy so much - everything disinfected twice a day, including kitchen floors. Sterile environment.  Poor kid caught a bug somehow (he wasn't allowed to mix with other tinies), had no resistance and died.

They are harming their children if what I read is true. 

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