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Stop The Boats?

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johnny.5 | 09:14 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | News
22 Answers

I nohave noticed on the recent news reports regarding the riots that a lot of the person involved are chanting STOP THE BOATS . 

as we are keep being told there are not enough people to patrol the french beaches to prevent the boats from being launched .

my question is why not deploy these "true patriots" on those beaches and help support the over worked authorities trying to prevent the launches as their community killing two birds with one stone?



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They likely have jobs so ain't offering to apply.

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they won't have jobs if sent to prison 

I can't imagine the French allowing UK vigilantes to patrol their beaches.

ps. where have we been told "not enough people to patrol french beaches"?

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ps. where have we been told "not enough people to patrol french beaches"?

The news report live on the bbc not long ago where the boat was overloaded and the little girl died. 

The police on the beach were clearly out numbered and were attacked by the boat operators 

Johnny, I thought the police were attacked by the people getting on then boats.  I seem to recall them saying they were armed with 'sticks'.   I can't see that many 'operators' being present.

The French patrols have also been told that they are not allowed to enter the water at all so can't stop them after they do so.

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I seem to remember there being armed boat operators too 

and they wouldn't be vigilantes hey would be serving their community service orders

They could not be official 'vigilantes' just young Englishmen holidaying with a sideline in slashing rubber boats with Stanley knives. 

£5,000 a boat ?


Versus 20 or 30 would-be illegal immigrants per boat who have paid big money for the trip? Not many volunteers I guess...

20 or 30?  And the rest!

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if the choice was 12 months holiday at the french seaside or 5 years in an overcrowded prison which would you choose?

Crossing the criminal gangs ? At leadt in gaol you have a better chance of getting out alive.


The idea is a non-starter. It needs the military there for any chance of having an effect, and the French might not be keen.

Just explain why you think they are all going to prison for protesting.

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why would they be going to gaol for protesting they shouldn't

but for looting ,theft, criminal damage , assault and inciting racial hatred then they should

So they will not all go to prison because to prove someone protesting is also rioting,looting etc. might be harder to do then just making silly statements like some labour politicions are doing.

As there are efforts to stop them leaving beaches, some gangs are now launching inland on canals that reach the sea.

Okay, put gates/booms/doors/killer sharks on the canals and that's shut off their latest little game.

I think they have tried that Doug, but they are working canals not redundant.

From an article in the Telegraph.

The gendarmerie have succeeded in blocking the smugglers around Calais by placing chains of buoys, paid for by the UK Government, across rivers and canals.


But the French fishing and pleasure-boating community in Dunkirk argued against the move, meaning no buoys have been deployed there.


I'll post a link to the article, but it's behind a paywall.

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