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Why Are The Current Incidents Of Un Rest Labelled As "Far Right"?

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ToraToraTora | 14:55 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
134 Answers

the climate change protests weren't labelled as far left were they? No doubt there are some thug u like yobs in there but they will be left and right.



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Because it suits the narrative.....I bet loads of those who took to the streets would be surprised to find themselves 'smeared' as being (far) right-wing.Being concerned about what is happening in your locale does not a neo-nazi make.
18:42 Sun 04th Aug 2024

Political expediency.


The governing party needs a bogeyman to direct the public's ire onto. It would never do to admit parliament has been so incompetent that it has allowed invasions, and unacceptable levels of activity by groups the government are desperate not to be accused of picking on, etc., so when public dissatisfaction with their strategies boils over, and popular protest occurs (and unfortunately attracts a percentage of those willing to use violence to drive their views home) what better move than to claim it is down to people with views diametrically opposed to their own ?


Distract the public from the mess they are building on, cause their political opponents/critics problems, control the people and the situation.


I'm sure folk can think of other occasions when a scapegoat helped those pursuing a questionable path.


I wrote:

Moderates don't riot.

Extremists (left and right) tend to.

From that, you inferred that I was saying all non-moderates were right wing.


I *think* I referred to non-moderates as being left wing AND right wing. you see what I mean?

You missed my line "Extremists (left and right) tend to."


But you get what I'm saying now, right?

Question Author

17:12, yes I do, thanks for clarifying.



Yes - but with the exception of one person with whom I've spent many many hours disagreeing with, who has said something on this thread that I thoroughly applaud.

...and on that bombshell...

Those looting shops see any demo as an excuse to theive, they aren't bothered what it's about.

Dave, you've nailed it.  They're taking the opportunity.

Stop oil protestors get 5 years for gluing themselves to the M25.

So what is the sentence for attacking a police officer for trying to restore law and order? Or setting fire to a police station?

We won't know until they're sentenced.  I have my doubts that the new Home Secretary will be true to her word but in the unlikely event that she is, they shouldn't look forward to leniency.

As far as I know, they kept the money we have them, so are those planes to Rwanda still available? We have some crap to dispose of.

Aside from cracking down on rioters & looters with the full force of the law what do the liberally minded think should be done to allay the concerns of ordinary citizens?

// what should be done to allay the concerns of ordinary citizens? //

Stop rioting. Stop attacking the police. If you want to change things do it though the ballot box, not thuggery.

Surely that group feels the fears of the people should be ignored and the rate of change speeded up ?

Given that we're only a month into the new government perhaps they think the ballot box is a very long way off, gromit.


So thuggery is acceptable and their only option ?

Not in my opinion, gromit.

Nor mine.

But I'm not making excuses for attacking the police, arson, or criminal damage

Of course they are far right.  I`ve seen the pictures of the Nazi salutes and the swastica tatoos.  They all look like Phil Mitchell ie thugs.  I was caught up in an EDL riot in London some years ago.  Exactly the same types.

Who is making excuses for them, gromit?

To be clear then the choice is between a once every five years mark on a piece of paper or arson and theft.

Anything in between such as endless platitudes and downright lies from politicians on matters important to the electorate will just have to be lived with by the vast majority because, despite all of their experience in politics they can actually do *** all about anything except bleat about how it was the other lot who caused it.

Except agree to a massive pay and pension increase every year and subsidies up the wazoo for jollies of course.

We have a state media, run by liberal leftist types.  

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