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How Is Labour Doing So Far?

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Khandro | 09:51 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | News
23 Answers

Since the new Labour Party government came into power earlier this month, over 3,000 illegal boat migrants have crossed the English Channel from France, throwing into question Sir Keir Starmer’s ability to “stop the boats”.



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I guess we have to give the government more than three weeks to implement their laughable nonsense of advised solutions, but abject failure will be evident in due course.

I think they've started as they mean to carry on - being useless.

Don't be an OAP. No TV licence. No winter allowance.  Bus passes next, then prescription charges free only for over seventy year old. Where will it end.

Poorly, on a number of fronts.

Stop the boats was Sunak's catchphrase, not Starmers.

//Labour’s policy to secure Britain’s borders will see the introduction of more staff to process claims and return people to safe countries, clearing the asylum backlog, and a new cross-border police unit smashing criminal people-smuggling gangs by using counter-terror style tactics.

He talked the talk let's see him walk the walk.

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Gromit //Stop the boats was Sunak's catchphrase, not Starmers.//

Perhaps, but his party's manifesto pledges to 'smash' people-smuggling gangs through a new Border Security Command, was their plan to stop the boats. 

As yet, I haven't seen any initiative in this direction, how long do we have to wait ? 

He's scrapped the Rwanda plan though, & trashed millions of taxpayer's money.

BTW - who is the "cross border police unit" with. Have the continentals or the Irish been consulted & agreed to it?

Maybe it's across the English/Scottish border?

It appears to date that they are hopelesly out of their depth.

Not surprising I suppose afte spending 14 years sniping from the other benches, no experience and it must be a very rude awakening.

Still more to come from Robber Reeves no doubt.

Referencing Starmers speech  Ill judged not addressing the problem.Are these same thugs travelling to Ireland etc sorry Starmer your off the mark get out your bubble into the real world. And stop using far right to try and stop open debate rely on main stream media for that.

The last Government wasted £700Million on a failed immigration plan, not the new Government.  
You whinge about 3000, coneniently forgetting the 13,000 that have come this year prior to the election.

Not comparable figures Gromit. Your comparing a 6 month figure with less than one month.

Do a bit of Maths and come back.


Gulliver - would you like to contribute to the discussion?

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'Keir Starmer is advertising for someone to head his newly created Border Security Command. The salary is higher than his own: the person in charge of stopping the boats would earn between £140,000 and £200,000.

According to the ad, the job of patrolling the English Channel can be done remotely from any one of 12 cities, including Edinburgh and Belfast. It will require coordination with the Home Office, parts of the navy and even MI5. Never mind that this goes on already, with no discernible effect. The key requirement for the job, it would seem, is to be the fall guy, someone ready to take the blame for a policy that is certain to fail.'

The Spectator :  Leader

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Read the full article here;

Definitey a poisoned chalice

In fairness three weeks isn't a long time but having listened to him before the election telling us more than once how he cleverly prevented nine planned terrorist attacks in a day this should be a proverbial walk in the park for him.  Come on Starmer - you said you had the solution.  Get on with it.

For £200,000 you can call me all the useless articles you want.

Not like there are consequences for failure to deliver, just another golden opportunity for an ex-civil servnt or judge who likes a wee blether with the media.

Yes they've only been in for 5 minutes, but surely they were preparing for Government with plans ready to go. Proper plans. Not the soundbite that he kept on repeating that he'll "smash" the people smugglers (how're you going to do that Sir Kneel-a-Lot?).


Let's face it, we know the way this Government is going, and it's going to be financially difficult for many people, they absolutely will not be able to solve the illegal immigration crisis (and it is a crisis) and even in five years time they'll be blaming the Tories for everything.


You only have to look at him and the lightweights in his cabinet to know they are going to be a disaster. I mean seriously, who in their right mind would think Rayner and Lammy are fit for purpose.

"Stop the boats" was a Tory slogan/promise that they didn't deliver after four years of saying and promsing it.

We should probably judge Keir Starmer on his own slogans and promises, and perhaps after a few weeks of him becoming PM.


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