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Trouble In Paradise.....?

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ToraToraTora | 22:32 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
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TBF I agree with Sir Beer, we should not be encouraging more saucepans. The 2 child cap is fine.



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Hymie is delibreately missing the point. I don't understand why anybody would think it is acceptable for people to be rewarded by the taxpayer for choosing to have more than two kids. Put it another way, if somebody with two kids decided to have a third and went to their boss and asked for more money because of their lifestyle choice, I would imagine the vast...
08:38 Wed 24th Jul 2024

A bit like driving  really, innit, far too affordable if the proles are at it.


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exactly dougie, motoring is far too cheap.

if you want immigration to be reduced then why wouldn't you want to encourage a higher birthrate? it makes no sense. 

there are plenty of families who fall on hard times after they have already had more than three children... e.g. after the main earner dies unexpectedly or gets injured or very sick. it is horrible but it is not uncommon. 

^It's also an entirely different issue.

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untitled: "if you want immigration to be reduced then why wouldn't you want to encourage a higher birthrate? it makes no sense. " - because the two things are not linked like that. We have enough of our own work shy scum leeching off the rest of us. We need to reduce their benefits and get them off their Aprils to do the jobs that currently the immigrants are doing. There is no shortage of people in this country, we do not need to import more or indeed make too many new ones. If there is a shortage of labour the wages rise naturally, who knows even some of the dole dossers my be tempted off their sofas. It's called market forces, anathema to the communist mind set I grant you.

It makes my blood boil when the left excuse this with flag waving comments to tug at the heartstrings such as being brought up in poverty. Why don't you direct some of your anger at those who have sex and then expect everyone else to pick up the tag if it results in a pregnancy. I bet a huge proportion of 3 or more pregnancies are unplanned. Stop the 3rd child benefit and then use the money for a different benefit targeted specifically at families who fall into poverty through no fault of their own. Or at least have some contempt for the couples who actually birth a child into a poverty situation.

The purpose of child benefit is not to encourage an increase in population to counter the need for immigration either. We're not the Far East (where their birth rate is falling at an alarming rate).


I agree, SKS has this correct and also correct to suspend those that go against the Party like this.

He has little choice but to clamp on the Commies on the PArty and show his strength if he wants to stay in the job.

So well done Sir Kier.

Looking at the previous comments one has to wonder if Hymie has 8 kids (or more maybe)?

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I wonder what child beneifit they pay in the EUSSR....


our population is ageing and the birthrate is falling. that means the number of people ageing into the workforce is shrinking and the number of people ageing into retirement (and millions are retiring early) is increasing 

if we leave that situation alone then a smaller and smaller workforce will be burdened with the greater and greater costs of supporting an elderly population... the problem will also spiral because such people will not be able to afford large families 

at present immigration helps to alleviate the problem by importing labour for social care and health and by increasing the workforce. if you seriously want to cut immigration like e.g. farage does then you need to do something about the birth rate because leaving it to "market forces" will result in a stagnant and impoverished country

you can't have low taxes, low immigration and low birthrate and not expect disaster... even farage to his credit opposes the two child benefit cap precisely because he understands this problem. 

//Where do these rebels suggest the money should come from?" - perhaps Hymie can chip in!//


Maybe someone can remind me how much money the Tories wasted on the covid track & trace system (before I post the eye-watering amount).

untitled, if we're having to rely on immigrants now to fill jobs now (which, with some exceptions, I don't accept) then encouraging more pregnacies now and hence more children soon (by financial rewards) isn't going to help the jobs market for maybe years, by which time we've spent a fortune and yet can't be sure what the situation will be like in 20 years- maybe we won't ever need them due to AI.  

//Maybe someone can remind me how much money the Tories wasted on the covid track & trace system (before I post the eye-watering amount).//

That money's been spent. You might as well mention the cost of Brexit or the Iraq War or selling gold reserves.

According to the UK government, the amount of money wasted on the covid track & trace system was £37 billion; enough to pay for the scrapping of the two child benefit cap more than 12 times over.

irrelevant again.  

The birthrate among the indigenous population is falling throughout Europe and will probably continue to do so.

The deficit is being made up by immigration - it's a creeping Africanisation & Islamification that will be increasingly difficult to halt. Count me out.

If current trends continue Nigeria alone will have a higher population than Western Europe.

Something's going wrong if the population of the UK has risen from 53 million when I was at school to around 67 million now, and yet some argue we need more immigration and more births.

A much higher proportion of that 67 million is elderly compared to when you were at school.

do you honestly not understand why that is a problem?

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