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Has Paris Fallen?

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youngmafbog | 14:04 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
16 Answers

with the rest of Europe not far behind.

Harrowing moment Paris 'gang rapist' pats his Australian tourist victim on the shoulder after she fled five attackers and begged for help from customers - just days before Olympics begins | Daily Mail Online



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We used to export civilisation now we are importing barbarity. 👿
14:22 Tue 23rd Jul 2024
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And I didnt press return before answer now:

Harrowing moment Paris 'gang rapist' pats his Australian tourist victim on the shoulder after she fled five attackers and begged for help from customers - just days before Olympics begins | Daily Mail Online


We used to export civilisation now we are importing barbarity. 👿

TTT, speaking of best answers on my threads - which we were elsewhere - if this were mine, BA would be yours.  Those few words sum it up perfectly.


To answer the question I fear the whole of Europe is falling.

Yet another example of the joys and benefits of multiculturalism.

makes me laugh, they come here for a better life yet they try and turn it into the cac orrifice they came from.

Can't understand what's going on there, but it's nice to see on the same page ABs old friend Anjem Choudary back in the limelight.

I posted a thread on that, khandro.

The article goes on a bit.


"we are importing barbarity"

So, the perpetrators have been identified as British ? I certainly hope not.

by "we" OG I mean the western civilised world.

I read ages ago that women should not go to the Pigalle district as it's mainly a male muslim area.

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Interesting that the frothing left who support this have nothing to say.

//I read ages ago that women should not go to the Pigalle district as it's mainly a male muslim area.//


Poor beautiful Paris.  How sad.

I don't know if Paris has fallen, but have you seen the official poster for the Olympics?  OMG!

the whole northwest and north area from the Montparnasse up and including La Stade Nationale, the main Olympic stadium, is one massive Islamic slum - with French colonial touches, given that most of their immigrants are from their Empire and French seems to be more of a commonality than over here when we look at our own ghettos. 

Paris should be expanded to The West.

The West's politicians don't appear to care what the citizens of the West want. 


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