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When Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait Back In The 90S...

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sandyRoe | 17:41 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | News
26 Answers

...there was an alliance of the willing prepared to throw him out.

When Israeli slowly eats away, like a cancer, at the Palestinian land on the West Bank, those same defenders of liberty sit on their hands.

Funny old world, isn't it?




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What do you want the 'defenders of liberty' to do, sandyRoe?  And whose liberty are you talking about?

agree Naomi - the Gazans seem pretty free, really

The hostages they're still holding aren't. 

I thought we were talking about the West Bank, not Gaza ...

at the Palestinian land on the West Bank

freedom is relative isnt it - they are both crouching in tunnels.

o, I see; one group CHOOSES to crouch in a tunnel -  righto !

bit blurry, sozza

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When Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait Back In The 90S...

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