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Vance - A Good Choice For America And The World?

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naomi24 | 12:47 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
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I don't know much about him but I've heard him on a couple of, topics and he sounds a bit loopy to me.



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Not too sure about him, but cant be worse than Harris.  At least he laughs normally!

Time of course will tell, the man has widened his mind over the past few years so who really knows what he stands for?

No idea, but he probably needs to rein in his sense of humour in his new position.

Tbh a vast proportion of Americans seem a bit loopy to me! Any notion that America leads the world is bonkers itself and I care about as much about politics of the USA as I do about the politics of Albania. Ie not a lot. We're just have to listen to it because our media somehow thinks it's important

//Any notion that America leads the world is bonkers itself //

Wishful thinking, sadly when America sneezes the rest of the World (well the West at least) catches a cold.

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I thought some of those attending Trump's first appearance since the attempt on his life were well and truly loopy.  They actually referred to him as a Messiah!

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I wonder if The Donald can get Sky TV on the satellite dish on his ear.

But ymb,  They don't have a democracy and their elections are rigged. Same as say, some poorer African nations and dictatorships. And that was admitted by the former president. How can any one on the world stage take them seriously?

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Not funny, Hopkirk.


YMB is right.  Like it or not the US weilds enormous influence in the rest of the world.

Even the maga slogan surely admits that it isn't great already as a country?

Doenst matter how they get the person though, who it is really does matter to the rest of the World.

I wish it didnt, but it does.  What the Americans want for their own country is their business of course but as I said above sadly the rest of us are affected too.

Is Vance the fella who said that the UK now has an Islamist government when Labour won the election? Sounds like a fruitcake.

I really don't understand why though, and I really think things are changing.  Any country that can have a convicted criminal as their head of state, made so in an undemocratic election shouldn't have influence in the way you are suggesting. Religious zealotry appears to be rife too, which I find very strange

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That's him, Mozz.

What he actually said:

“I was talking about, you know: what is the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon?” he said. “Maybe it is Iran, maybe Pakistan already kind of counts, and then we finally decided that it’s actually the UK – since Labour just took over.”

This is how the World sees us, the left are up in arm but there is a ring of truth in it, sometimes the truth does hurt.

//Any country that can have a convicted criminal as their head of state,//

And here we go, TDS takes hold.

Thought so Naomi. Sounds like a good running mate for Donny. Make him look like a moderate in comparison.

//This is how the World sees us, the left are up in arm but there is a ring of truth in it, sometimes the truth does hurt.//

Nah, it's how a right wing extremist sees us, not the world in general. 

What is TDS? He is a convicted criminal, and if you are saying it was an image conviction, what does that say about the country's legal system? Or perhaps you are saying it's completely on to have a convicted criminal as leader?

For image read unsafe.

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