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More Layers Of Busy Bodies On The Way.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:43 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
13 Answers

If anything we should be reversing the devolution disaster not adding to it. There's going to be layer upon layer of school prefect types bossing as about and dipping their snout in the trough. Expect huge tax rises to pay for the GOAS devoshow!



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And there was I finding report that Rayner was being sidelined, as she had been forced on Starmer, and that the government was intent on centralising control.

Devolution has been a disaster in all three provinces.

The Nortthern Ireland Assembly has been inoperative for getting on for half of its existence. The Scottish Assembly has been dominated by a party who had little interest in running Scotland but simply in campaigning for independence. The Welsh assembly is a shambles with problems in just about every area (especially health) for which they are responsible.

The best "revolution" that devolution can undergo is to put it (and the citizens of those provinces) out of their misery. National government is incompetent enough. To replicate that incompetence for the sake of ideology is farcical. 

Absolutely we should reversing the devolution experiment.  A very expensive disaster.

Same old Labour.

Just to muddy the Welsh Senedd waters, Gethin has just walked the plank.

I cant see Swinney lasting much longer either Paul.For the second time in about five years the SNP are fighting a new civil war between each other.I would say like rats in a sack,but i wont.

Perhaps there should be an enquiry, similar to those called for by a certain poster on this site into the Tory party, into Vaughan Gethting 'trousering' £200,000 from David Neal who was applying for planning permission to open a landfill site in Spittal, Pembrokeshire.

And it all started so well.

Welsh devolution is a disaster, health, education , not too mention 20 mph. They are also increasing the number of MSs.  Why inflict this on other parts of the country?

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Labour were elected to run the country. It is a betrayal palm that off to some sort of regional government. Another layer bleeding the public purse. We need layers remove not added. They should start by reversing devolution.

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How long before we return to the 9th century? FMs of Mercia, Wessex, Northumberland...etc? Radio rental.

I suppose it gives Angela Rayner something semi-meaningful so she doesn't feel such a spare part, but isnt actually given any responsibility. Smart move by SKS.

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