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Shots Fired At Trump Rally

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Dukedelorca | 23:26 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | News
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Including murder OG?  That is the problem here.

Yes, the Secret Service need investigating. Looks like sheer incompetance to me even a school child in the US would surely think to lock down a tall(ish) building within rifle range?

@10:08 Mon 15th Jul 2024

I was reminded by this event, of the end of "The Dead Zone" (1983).......

Yeah, as long as it's obvious. I sometimes get so annoyed that I may mention that the perpetrators ought to swing on the street corner as an example to others. Since I am clearly against a death penalty no one should interpret that as being anything more than an example of how outraged I am, and my emotional state at the time.

The naivety of some on here considering Trump as a normal democratic politician is very worrying.

 "...and simply say that i hope this incident does not cause americans to rally behind him. i really do believe him to be a serious threat to american democracy."

That's a perfectly reasonable statement and fully reflects your point of view. Respect is due (and awarded) for your change of stance.

This may be a really naive question.  Trump's ear apparently grazed by a bullet.  He was surrounded by lots of people, so where exactly did the bullet go? Haven't heard that anyone else was injured. Just wondering.

Maggiebee, there was someone killed in the incident (he died shielding his wife  and daughter) and also someone injured.

According to the BBC at lunchtime one person was killed and two seriously injured.

Ah, obviously missed the update.  Thanks folks.

Maggiebee, thanks. The information was mentioned in one of last night's links, and it was in the three papers I saw today.

Neveracrossword - obviously didn't read last night's link and don't read newspapers.  However, I always get a straight answer on here for which I am thankful.

I've heard that it may not have been a bullet, but instead was glass shards that hit him. Another rumour and one of many I'm sure. 

He has yet to extend condolences to the family of the man killed.

ccording to an article in the press today, Pasta, Trump issued a statement from hospital at the time: "Trump said that he was doing fine and expressed condolences for a spectator who was killed during the shooting."  There have been other reports of similar attitudes and sorrow for others involved.

GRRRR!  'According to'.....   ^^^

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