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What Was Dave's Greatest Achievement?

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ToraToraTora | 14:15 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

If Gay marraige is your greatest achievement that's a pretty poor self assessment.



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I dunno, many thousands of happily married same-sex couples might disagree.

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It's something to tick off but the best achievement in over 6 years as PM? Not much of a legacy is it?

same sex couples could already marry before... cameron allowed them to call it marriage and not much else.

david cameron achieved absolutely nothing except making a packet for his friends. his austerity programme caused hundreds of thousands of deaths thanks to the murderous benefit sanctions introduced at the DWP (see for instance the deaths of Errol Graham, Christian Wilcox, or David Clapson). he doesn't a deserve a kind word and he certainly doesn't deserve a peaceful retirement.

hundreds of thousands of deaths, untitled- and yet you give 3 examples. Why pick those 3 when you had so many you could have given us?

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His greatest "achievement" in my opinion was getting goaded into the Brexit referendum then losing it! At least he scarpered PDQ! Cheers Dave!

because i have posted the quantitative evidence before and people simply dismissed it without reading it. i thought qualitative might be harder to deny. obviously i was wrong 

here's why i say hundreds of thousands

It was a piece of research designed to give the outcome they wanted. We've covered that before.


read the methodology of both papers and explain why it is wrong or gtfo

He seems very good at walking away from defeat and not looking back at the mess he leaves behind. 

He should be nominated Chief Weasel.

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