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Possible More Election Good News

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Hymie | 20:51 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | News
24 Answers

Apparently in the North West Essex constituency (winner: Kemi Badenoch) 2,600 postal votes were delayed as a result of human error, and so the result is open to challenge and a potential re-run is in the offing.


Worse still for Badenoch, apparently the Reform candidate (on the ballot paper) was disowned by the party (must have said something ultra racist, or voiced support for Hitler to achieve that) – but with a re-run and a supported Reform candidate (plus tactical voting) hopefully Badenoch will lose her seat (we can all live in hope).



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gulliver, //.........And  with such a huge Majority. Almost three times that Boris achieved in 2019. Labour can do whatever the want ....//


You're making the basic mistake in thinking that the Labour Party is one homogenous body which will vote anything through.

They are no more homogenous that the Tories. Stand by now for plenty of battles between the left & right of the party.

Labour might have a huge majority in the Commons, but to get legislation done, it has to be approved by the `Lords. And the Tories have a massive built in majority there.

I wonder why Hymie has a problem with Kemi Badenoch?  If it's not her skin colour, could it be because she's a woman, the fact she comes from a family of immigrants, her effectiveness as an MP, her excellent work on equalities, or could it be just political hatred?  How sad.

Just Hymie being hymie, makes a change from Brxit rants, this weeks order of sour grapes must be delayed😁

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